S A S H — Night Club in Sydney

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Night Club at Darling Harbour, 1-5 Wheat Road, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia, Sydney, New South Wales, 2000 . Here you will find detailed information about S A S H: address, phone, fax, opening hours, customer reviews, photos, directions and more.

Opening hours

  • Monday
  • Tuesday
  • Wednesday
  • Thursday
  • Friday
  • Saturday
  • Sunday
    10:00 PM – 4:00 AM


Based on 7 reviews


New South Wales
Darling Harbour, 1-5 Wheat Road, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia, Sydney, New South Wales, 2000

Photo gallery

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About S A S H

S A S H is a Australian Night Club based in Sydney, New South Wales. S A S H is located at Darling Harbour, 1-5 Wheat Road, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia,

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Reviews of S A S H

  • Luke
    Added 2016.06.02
  • Chase
    Added 2016.01.26
    Sash nightclub should have a sign in big bold letters that says "NO BLACKS AND DOGS ALLOWED". I went to Sash night club with my white Australian friend, upon paying we were both allowed entry at the door. Everything was going smooth until I was singled out by a security guard... that security guard, I assumed was given directions to find a reason to kick me out... I was not intoxicated nor was I being violent or disorderly towards fellow patrons. The security guard that eventually kicked me out for no reason, saw me on the dance floor and asked to check my I.D, I showed him my I.D without resistance even though I know no one is allowed into the club without producing a valid identification card at the door... that same security guard left me alone for about 5 minutes, he later came back to me and asked to see my identification yet again... I gave him my i.d but this time instead of looking at it and giving it back to me he asked me to go outside with him... I followed his directives and upon exiting the club he told me that I was not allowed to go back in... I had asked to speak to the night club manager... the manager came to the front door and told me that they had every right not to allow me back in without a reason. I asked for my money back they refused, I asked them to grab my friend so I could go home, they refused... I felt violated and humiliated by the lack of respect and contempt they had against me... they called the police to move me on from their venue citing the 50m rule b.s... I waited for the police to arrive and I explained to them my situation, the police were not heeding to what I was saying but instead gave me a messed up analogy saying "if someone doesn't want you in their house they have the right to ask you to leave"... I understood what was being said so why was I allowed to enter in the first place? Why did they take my money and not give my money back if they didn't like the way I look? Mind you I'm black and 6ft6 tall... I don't look aggressive nor was I dressed inappropriate. This night club has a habbit of plunking blacks and other ethnic groups (namely islanders) from their lines on Saturday nights even though they play RnB and Hip hop on those nights... they have a real problem with black people in general... whoever visits this place in the future keep an eye out, they will amaze you with the excuses they give to blacks and other ethnics that they do not want in... Home nightclub has no issue in letting black females in, but they will find a reason to not let black men into their venue at all cost, even though they are known for hosting rnb and hip hop on Saturday nights.
  • Dominic
    Added 2015.06.03
    They charge about five times more than the standard consult ( Day console any of it is between $40-$76), i understand staff needs to get paid for nightly or weekend work, but come on $215 for a night consult, get out of here! NO EMPATHY FOR POOR OWNERS JUST MONEY MONEY MONEY. I highly recommend going to a local vet with a good reputation during the day if you can unless it is an absolute emergency as these losers know that they and Sydney Uni Vet are the only that's open at this hour. Although it is a well known and apparently reputable vet, I believe they are money hungry, immoral losers who believe in money more than animal care. Makes me wonder if they do this on purpose out of spite because they failed to be human doctors.
  • Lucas
    Added 2015.05.29
    Best nightclub in Sydney if you like to hang out to listen some House music and meet new people !
  • Kyle
    Added 2015.01.07
    $215 AFTER 7PM.
  • Lucas
    Added 2014.05.04
    Misleading,aggressive and unfair security team.When I arrived the queue was long and security informed that if got in next door club "Tokio bar" the doors would be open soon . I then paid $21 bucks and set down waiting. Someone was waiting in the same situation, then he got up and waved to me to come outside through the side door . My impression was that the doors were opening I followed him through the outside side door and he got stopped by security then security grab me and my ID saying that I was not welcome at this place anymore. I then tried to explain what actually happened. They talked over me and said "get out". Then as I was standing 5 meters away from the club they said " get out or I will call the police" I said " please call the police". I was standing in a public place. ( there 3 security people at me, extremely aggressive) I may take legal action. I was mislead to believe that I would be able to get into the club next door if I paid $21 and then same guy took my ID and banned from the club because he was under the impression that I was trying to jump the queue when I followed the individual who was in the same situation.
  • Charles
    Added 2014.02.13
    Never actually got into the club after traveling to Sydney. Was looking forward to this club the most but sadly your bouncers are pretty rude. Tried to get in with my partner and he got denied due to wearing a yellow crew neck so he offered to take it off and they still said no. Thank you for hiring a bunch of baboons for bouncers. Would still love to go but sadly I live in a different country
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